Materials Needed: One blank paper per team
Form two teams and have them form a straight light. The person in the back of each line goes to the leader who will tell them what to draw. They then go to the person in front of them in line and draw that on their back and this continues until it reaches the front person. The person in the front draws what they felt on a piece of paper and sees which team is closest to the original image.
Each person in your group will need 2 balloons (plus some spares for those that might break whilst you're inflating them). You can make this an individual game or team game. (Balloons should be two different colors if a team game.) Tie two foot long strings to the ends of each balloon. Give each person two balloons (of the same color) and have them tie one to each leg. Separate the teams on either side of the room/area. When you say start, everyone tries to pop the balloons from the other team by stepping on them. When both balloons have popped, the person is out and must sit down. The team with the last balloon remaining wins.
Materials Needed: None
Everyone gets into a circle. The shooter goes into the middle and aims a finger gun at someone, saying “Bang” or “Jesus Love You.” The person shot must duck and the two on either side have a shootoff. The person who takes the longest is out. Continue until it is down to two people and they go back to back to have a shootoff to determine the winner.
Materials Needed: Blanket
Divide the group into two teams. A blanket should be held up between the two teams so that each team cannot see who is on the other side. The game leader points to one person from each team to stand next to the blanket on their team’s side. When the blanket is dropped, the chosen team member must say the other person’s name first.
Pass around a bag of small candies (M&Ms, Skittles, etc) and tell each participant to choose anywhere from 1 to 5 pieces of anything they want. Instruct them not to eat it yet. After they have chosen their candy, you will tell them what each candy type/color represents. If there is a whiteboard present, write on the board the following:
Red- Favorite hobbies
Green- Favorite place on earth
Blue- Favorite memory
Yellow- Dream job
Orange- Wildcard (tell us anything about yourself!)
If you don't have the above colors, change the above to match the candy types that you have. Each person takes turns introducing themselves, beginning with their name and then saying one fact for each candy type that they have.
Each person is given a stack of index cards. The person with the tallest standing tower after 1 minute wins.
Make a list of 20 popular TV programs. Divide your group into smaller teams who base themselves around the ground floor of your space. You stand somewhere in the middle. The game begins by each team sending one person to you. Show them the first TV program on your list. They return to their team and silently act it out in front of the group. As soon as someone guesses it, that person runs to you for the next clue and repeats the process. The winning group is the one which has acted out and guessed 20 TV programs.
Materials Needed: None
Have the group stand in a circle (do groups of 6-8, any larger is complicated). Everyone will hold out both fists with thumbs on top. On each turn, each person can put up no thumbs, one thumb, or both thumbs. The person whose turn it is will say “Chin, Chin, __ (guessing a number - the number should be between 0 and the max number of thumbs in the circle. Players should not put their thumbs up until right before the number is guessed). If the person guesses the right amount of thumbs up, that player puts one hand behind his or her back. The first person to get both hands out is the winner.
For this game, everyone stands in a circle. Each person holds their hands face up near ther person next to them. The right hand of every person should be on top of the person's left hand who is standing beside them. One person starts the clap passing by crossing their right hand to hit the right hand of the person on his/her left. This will get the rhythm going for the game. The group says, "This is a game of concentration, no repeats or hesitation. Category is...." Whoever's turn it is to clap picks a category (pets, food, etc.) then they continue on beat around the circle to name objects in that category. The first person who doesn't get one on beat or who repeats something already said is out and the games continues until it is down to 3 people.
Each person has 3 balloons. The goal is to keep all three balloons in the air at one time. Challenge can be only using head (or foot, arm, etc). The person who keeps all 3 afloat the longest wins.
Materials Needed: None
Number the corners of the room 1-4. Pick one person to be in the middle. The person in the middle will close their eyes. Everyone else will move to a corner. The person in the middle will call out a number and everyone in that corner is out and will go sit down. When you get down to four people, they all must pick separate corners. This continues until only one person is left standing and is the winner.
Materials Needed: None
Everyone in the group sits in a circle and is assigned a fruit (choose 2-4 fruits depending on the size of the group). The person in the middle will call out a fruit and everyone assigned to that fruit has to switch seats. The person left in the middle is the next to call out a fruit. The caller can say one fruit, multiple fruits, or call out “Fruit Basket Mixup” where everyone has to switch seats.
Materials Needed: Rolled up newspaper or small pool noodle
Everyone picks the name of a fruit (or Christmas word, etc.). They says theirs outloud for everyone to hear the fruits. One person is chosen to become “it.” They say someone’s fruit. The goal is for them to hit that person with a newspaper (or pool noodle) before that person can pass it to another person. To pass, the person has to say their fruit followed by someone else’s fruit. If someone is caught, they become “it.”
Divide your group into teams of 6-8. Each team forms a small circle. Ask them to extend their right hand across the circle and hold the left hand of the other team member opposite them. Then extend their left hand across the circle and hold the right hand of another group member. The task is to unravel the spider's web of interlocking arms without letting go of anyone's hands. Give them a three minute time limit to complete the task.
Materials Needed: 9 chairs
Divide the group into two teams and given whether they are X or O. Number each group off 1 - (max #). The chairs should be set up in a tic-tac-toe format with plenty of space between each row and seat for running through. The leader will call one number. The person on each team whose number that is, will run to a chair and hold up their team’s sign (X/O). This will continue until one team has made a tic-tac-toe line. Teams cannot start their line by lining up in the chairs directly in front of their team base.
Ask the group to line up. Works best with 8-10 in a line. If you've got a bigger group, split them up and challenge each line to complete the first task. Ask the group to form a new line in order of:
-Height, from smallest to tallest
-Birthdays, from January to December
-Shoe size, from smallest to largest
-Alphabetical first names (A-Z)
-Alphabetical mothers first names
-Alphabetical grandmothers' first names
Materials Needed:
Play like rock, paper, scissors. The man pose is hands on hips. The bear pose is claws up. The gun pose is two guns ready at sides. The man beats the gun. The gun beats the bear. The bear beats the man.
Materials Needed: Spaghetti box(or multiple depending on the size of the group), bag(s) of marshmallows
For this game, you need packet(s) of marshmallows and packet(s) of spaghetti. Split the group into two or more teams. Generally between 4-8 is the ideal team size. The goal is to see which group builds the highest tower using only the items provided. The towers must be stable.
Each person has one cup with 25 pieces of candy. They must take only 1 candy at a time to the cup around the room that is collecting that color candy. The one with the least left at the end wins.
Players have one minute to chew a piece of bubble gum and blow the biggest bubble they can. The winner is the person who blows the biggest bubble under a minute. It's easier for everyone to do this at the same time because it's easier to judge.
This games teaches kids the value of communication and trust. It works best if you have a large area, indoor or outdoor. Setup a series of obstacles (chairs, tables, balls, etc). Ask the group to pair off- one person is blind-folded and must make their way through the "mine field" by listening to their partner. Their partner verbally talks them through but cannot enter the mine field. If the person hits a "mine" they must return to the start. After everyone has gone through, swap roles.
Mount- one partner jumps on another's back
Knight- one partner kneels while the other sits on his/her knee
Chariot- one person jumps into the other's arms
To play the game, there is someone who is the caller. They must call one or multiple words from "mount", "knight", or "chariot" and the students do whichever is called. The last set of partners to get into position is out.
Materials Needed: None
Go around the group and ask each young person to state his/her name and attach an adjective that not only describes a dominant characteristic, but also starts with the same letter of his name e.g. generous Graham, dynamic Dave.
Divide into two teams. Give each person a blank piece of card. Ask them to write five little known facts about themselves on their card. Include all leaders in this game too. For example, I have a pet iguana, I was born in Iceland, my favority food is spinach, my grandmother is called Doris, and my favorite color is vermillion. Collect the cards into two team piles. Draw one card from the opposing team pile. Each team tries to name the person in as few clues as possible. Five points if they get it on the first clue, then 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The team with the most points wins. (Note: if you select the most obscure facts first, it will increase the level of competition and general head scratching!)
Materials Needed: None
Everyone stands in a circle. The goal is to take out the other players’ arms by ninja chopping them below the elbow. One person starts the game by making their offensive move. They can only do one solid movement and the person they are aiming for can make one defensive movement to avoid getting hit. If the offensive player hits the person below the elbow, that arm is out and must be put behind their back.
There will be two bowls for each player placed a good distance apart. Keep one bowl empty and the other bowl should be kept with all the cotton balls. Each player applies petroleum jelly at tip of the nose. The players then have to put his/her nose in the bowl which is filled with cotton balls. The players pick the balls one by one with his/her nose and drop it in the other bowl. The one who transfers the most, wins.
The person with the paper airplane that goes the furthest wins. Players can try as many times within the minute.
Before the clock starts, a coin is placed in each leg of the pair of pantyhose. When the clock starts, the player begins by placing one hand in each leg of the pantyhose. The goal is to move both hands all the way down the legs and retrieve the coins, before removing the pantyhose from the hands/arms. The hands must work independently and one cannot aid the other.
Materials Needed: None
Have students partner up and face each other. Both will have their hands behind their back. On their count, they will bring both hands in front of them with their chosen number of fingers held up. The person who correctly yells the total number of fingers up between them is the winner.
Put cups in a triangle on one table. Players stand a distance away and fire rubber bands at them until they knock them all down. First to knock them all down wins.
Materials Needed: Charades Card Decks
Divide the group into at least two smaller groups. Each group should have their own charade card deck and two students up front. The first person will read the card and move the other person (the “sculpture”) to form the object on the card. The rest of the group will guess. When the group guesses correctly, the pair at the front will move to the next card. The group who finishes their card deck first is the winner.
Put a large bowl of skittles at one side of the table and a cup on the other end. The player is given a straw and when the game begins, they have a minute to suck as many skittles as they can with their straw and drop it into the cup on the other side of the table. The person with the most skittles in their cup at the end wins.
Materials Needed: 1 cup/object per pair
Every student should have a partner with a cup (ball, etc) in between them on the floor. The caller will yell “head, shoulder, ears, etc” and the players on each side of the object have to put both hands on whatever is called. At some point, the caller will yell “cup” at which time both students will compete to see who can grab that object first and win their pair. Then they will find a new partner who won their first matchup and continue until there is a champion.
Take a bottle of water and throw it at least 5 feet away making it land upright. First person to get it wins.
Players have one minute to empty out a tissue box full of tissues using one hand for each box and pulling the tissues out one at a time.
The teacher will welcome students at the door holding a roll of toilet paper. Students can take as many sheets as they want and the teacher will explain what it is for when everyone grabs some. When class begins the students will have to write one interesting thing about themsevles per sheet of toilet paper. When they are finished they introduce themselves to the class per sheet of toiler paper.
Set a large trash can in the center of the space. Everyone in the group makes a circle around the trash can. Everyone holds hands and the object of the game is to pull together so that someone hits the trash can. The one who hits the can is out and the game continues until there is a winner.
Materials Needed: None
One player is selected to think of an item. The rest of the group tries to guess the item by asking a question which can only be answered with a simple "Yes" or "No."
Two Truths and a Lie Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkMaterials Needed: None
Everyone gets into a circle. A slurping watermelon goes around the circle. To pass to the person on the right, use the left hand to swipe across mouth while making a slurping sound. To pass to the person on the left, use the right hand to swipe that direction while making the slurping sound. To skip the person in the direction the watermelon is moving, swipe your hand straight upward in front of mouth. Play continues with people getting out as they miss their turn or take a turn at the wrong time.
Materials Needed: Name cards + tape
Ahead of time, create enough papers for everyone who will come to have one. The papers should have the name of a person or place (you could do theme days - people in the Bible, Disney characters, places in America, etc). Tape one card to each person’s forehead or back. Everyone has to go around the group and ask yes or no questions to guess what their card says.
Materials Needed: Pieces of paper, pens/pencils
Hand out a pen and paper to each person and ask them to write something exciting they have done in their lives - for example "I have been sky diving" or "I have been in hospital for a week" etc. Encourage people to think of something unique and interesting (though be prepared for some people to struggle to think of something!). Collect all the pieces of paper and read them out loud to the group. The group has to decide "who did it".
The teams are given a choice: 2D or 3D. Teams that picked "2D" have to put together a 100-piece puzzle. Teams that picked "3D" have to build a lego model to match one that has already been made. They can't follow instructions or take the model apart.