

Course Map

Cash prizes this year for overall winners!

1st place = $200

2nd place = $100

3rd place = $50

When:   September 1, 2025  |  8:30 AM

Where:  Chattanooga State,

4501 Amnicola Hwy

Chattanooga, TN 37406

Race Day Schedule:

6:30 AM Registration

8:30 AM 5K Race

9:30 AM Kiddy 1K / Jr. Marathon

Race Options: 5K, Kiddy K, Junior Marathon

5K Race: Course runs on the campus of Chattanooga State and along parts of the TN RiverWalk. 

Kiddy K: The Kiddy 1K event is for youngsters 5 years old or younger. Each participant will receive a prize. Strollers will be permitted - Parents are welcome to accompany their children.

Jr. Marathon: This event is for kids 6 - 11 years old, in which the they are able to register a 1 mile run towards their participation in the Chickamauga Battlefield Junior Marathon. Each participant will receive a prize.

Award Categories:

1st Place Open Male, Open Female, Masters Male, Masters Female and Grand Masters Male and Grand Masters Female

Age group awards (male and female) as follows: 10 and under (3), 11-13 (3), 14-18 (3) 19-24 (3), 25-29 (2), 30-34 (2), 35-39 (2), 40-44 (2), 45-49 (2) 50-54 (2), 55-59 (2), 60-64 (2), 65-69 (1), 70-over (1), 80-over (1).

Ways to Get Involved


Sponsor the race, support the ministry of FCA, and promote your business all at once!


Join our team at packet pickup, day of registration, and on the course.


Run to beat your personal record or walk with friends while supporting the ministry of FCA in our local schools!
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