Cash prizes this year for overall winners!
1st place = $200
2nd place = $100
3rd place = $50
When: September 1, 2025 | 8:30 AM
Where: Chattanooga State,
4501 Amnicola Hwy
Chattanooga, TN 37406
Race Day Schedule:
6:30 AM Registration
8:30 AM 5K Race
9:30 AM Kiddy 1K / Jr. Marathon
Race Options:
5K, Kiddy K, Junior Marathon
5K Race: Course runs on the campus of Chattanooga State and along parts of the TN RiverWalk.
Kiddy K:
The Kiddy 1K event is for youngsters 5 years old or younger. Each participant will receive a prize. Strollers will be permitted - Parents are welcome to accompany their children.
Jr. Marathon:
This event is for kids 6 - 11 years old, in which the they are able to register a 1 mile run towards their participation in the Chickamauga Battlefield Junior Marathon. Each participant will receive a prize.
Award Categories:
Age group awards (male and female) as follows: 10 and under (3), 11-13 (3), 14-18 (3) 19-24 (3), 25-29 (2), 30-34 (2), 35-39 (2), 40-44 (2), 45-49 (2) 50-54 (2), 55-59 (2), 60-64 (2), 65-69 (1), 70-over (1), 80-over (1).